Decorator Design Pattern Intro


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Decorator Design pattern allows developer to satisfy some SOLID rules:

  • 1) Single Responsibility Principle – Class/Function should do only one task or Class/Function should have only one reason to change.
  • 2) Open Close Principle – Class/Function is open for extension but close for modification.
  • 3) Liskov Substitution type – If type S is derived from Type T then object of Type T can be replaced by object of Type S.

Simple Example of Design Pattern

namespace BasicDecoratorPattern
    public class Client
        public Client()
            IBaseService realTimeService = new BasicServiceImplementaion();

            IBaseService basicRealTimeServiceDecorator1 = new Decorator1OnBasic(realTimeService);
            IBaseService basicRealTimeServiceDecorator2 = new Decorator2OnBasic(realTimeService);


    public interface IBaseService
        void Print();

    public class BasicServiceImplementaion : IBaseService
        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Basic Item");

    public class Decorator1OnBasic : IBaseService
        private readonly IBaseService BasicRealTimeService;
        public Decorator1OnBasic(IBaseService service)
            BasicRealTimeService = service;

        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Extra functionality from Decorator ONE");

    public class Decorator2OnBasic : IBaseService
        private readonly IBaseService BasicRealTimeService;
        public Decorator2OnBasic(IBaseService service)
            BasicRealTimeService = service;

        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Extra functionality from Decorator SECOND");

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