AngularJS Basics


Category :

1) Angular Directive = ng-app

2) Access Angular Model through controllers

3) $scope is Angular Model

4) ng-controller directive sets js function name to use as controller for a portion of page, different portions of the page could have diff controllers.

5) Setting ng-app="nameApp" prevents polluting of the global namespace:
 <html ng-app="nameApp">
     <meta charset="utf-8">
     <title>Angular.js Example</title>
     <script src="//"></script>
       var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', []);
       nameApp.controller('NameCtrl', function ($scope){
         $scope.firstName = 'John';
         $scope.lastName = 'Smith';
   <body ng-controller="NameCtrl">
     First name:<input ng-model="firstName" type="text"/>
     Last name:<input ng-model="lastName" type="text"/>
     Hello {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
6) Could have multiple Angular apps running on the same page.

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AngularJS Intro


Category :

Data Binding Framework

Main usage creating single-page apps.
Based on MVC architecture

Provide solutions for:

  • Routing - handling updates to the url hash fragment
  • Templating - dynamically creating and updating HTML based on templates and models
  • Data binding - synchronise the model and user interface
  • Top data-binding frameworks:


    Related libraries

    • jQuery - industry standard library for DOM manipulation and AJAX
    • AMD - for seperating JavaScrip projects across many files using modules, allowing depencies from one files on another. Require
    • Angular provides a jQuery like API jqLite - which is like jQuery minimal functionality
    • Promises - industry standard pattern for dealing with asynchronous control flow. The top Promises implementation is Q.
    • Async.js
    • Handlebars - templating engine. Angular Templates use similar syntax.

    Angular Learning Resources

    It is straightforward to teach yourself about Angular, as there are so many learning resources on the Web.


    Learn Angularjs This Weekend - Advice on which resources to use for getting up to speed on Angular.
    A Better Way to Learn AngularJS - A great collection of links to resources for learning Angular.
    AngularJS-Learning - A kitchen sink of links to Angular learning resources.

    Introductory tutorials and guides:

    Angular Developer Guide Conceptual Overview
    • Enumerates fundamental concepts
    • Provides several code examples
    Official Angular Tutorial
    • Useful to read through
    • Emphasizes testing
    • Starts with complex boilerplate project
    • Great diagrams
    • A collection of short screencasts (scroll to the bottom for intoduction content)
    AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes
    • A talk on YouTube that covers fundamentals of Angular
    Learn Angular.js in 30 Min
    • A screencast showing how to build an app using UI-Router
    • Does not cover basics, jumps to advanced usage
    • Great example of how development flows in practice
    An Introduction to AngularJS Forms Validation

    Design and implementation of Angular:

    Re-Imagining the Browser with AngularJS
    • Talk by Miško Hevery, creator of Angular
    • Discusses the high-level goals of Angular
    Bringing Angular Apps to Life with Animation by Miško Hevery
    Google I/O 2013 - Design Decisions in AngularJS
    "Writing Directives" talk by Misko Hevery

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