AngularJS Basics


Category :

1) Angular Directive = ng-app

2) Access Angular Model through controllers

3) $scope is Angular Model

4) ng-controller directive sets js function name to use as controller for a portion of page, different portions of the page could have diff controllers.

5) Setting ng-app="nameApp" prevents polluting of the global namespace:
 <html ng-app="nameApp">
     <meta charset="utf-8">
     <title>Angular.js Example</title>
     <script src="//"></script>
       var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', []);
       nameApp.controller('NameCtrl', function ($scope){
         $scope.firstName = 'John';
         $scope.lastName = 'Smith';
   <body ng-controller="NameCtrl">
     First name:<input ng-model="firstName" type="text"/>
     Last name:<input ng-model="lastName" type="text"/>
     Hello {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
6) Could have multiple Angular apps running on the same page.

my thanks to:


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