JavaScript package managers(npm)
Bower was arguably the most popular in 2013, but eventually was overtaken by npm around 2015. (It’s worth noting that starting around late 2016, yarn has picked up a lot of traction as an alternative to npm’s interface, but it still uses npm packages under the hood.)JavaScript module bundler (webpack)
In 2009, a project named CommonJS was started with the goal of specifying an ecosystem for JavaScript outside the browser. A big part of CommonJS was its specification for modules, which would finally allow JavaScript to import and export code across files like most programming languages, without resorting to global variables. The most well-known of implementation of CommonJS modules is node.js. As mentioned earlier, node.js is a JavaScript runtime designed to run on the server.
The most popular module bundler was Browserify, which was released in 2011 and pioneered the usage of node.js style require statements on the frontend (which is essentially what enabled npm to become the frontend package manager of choice). Around 2015, webpack eventually became the more widely used module bundler (fueled by the popularity of the React frontend framework, which took full advantage of webpack’s various features).
Transpiling code for new language features (babel)
Transpiling code means converting the code in one language to code in another similar language. This is an important part of frontend development — since browsers are slow to add new features, new languages were created with experimental features that transpile to browser compatible languages.For CSS, there’s Sass, Less, and Stylus, to name a few. For JavaScript, the most popular transpiler for a while was CoffeeScript (released around 2010), whereas nowadays most people use babel or TypeScript. CoffeeScript is a language focused on improving JavaScript by significantly changing the language — optional parentheses, significant whitespace, etc. Babel is not a new language but a transpiler that transpiles next generation JavaScript with features not yet available to all browsers (ES2015 and beyond) to older more compatible JavaScript (ES5). Typescript is a language that is essentially identical to next generation JavaScript, but also adds optional static typing. Many people choose to use babel because it’s closest to vanilla JavaScript.
Using a task runner (npm scripts)
Now that we’re invested in using a build step to work with JavaScript modules, it makes sense to use a task runner, which is a tool that automates different parts of the build process. For frontend development, tasks include minifying code, optimizing images, running tests, etc.
In 2013, Grunt was the most popular frontend task runner, with Gulp following shortly after. Both rely on plugins that wrap other command line tools. Nowadays the most popular choice seems to be using the scripting capabilities built into the npm package manager itself, which doesn’t use plugins but instead works with other command line tools directly.