Understanding the Stack Trace


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Basically, the Stack Trace is a trace of function calls that go on the
Stack. When a program runs, it copies functions from the Heap to the Stack,
in a "Stack" (so to speak) which is a stack of the functions. When a
function is called, a copy of it is put on the Stack to execute. When a
function exits, it is pulled from the Stack. If it calls other functions,
these are stacked on top of it, and each one is pulled off the Stack when it

The Stack Trace shows the "topmost" (latest) functions called. It helps
identify the chain of execution that led
up to the current situation
(usually an exception). It identifies each function on the Stack in the
order (reversed) in which they appear, with the last one executed at the

Sometimes what you do in your code does not throw an exception until it hits
the .NET Framework components. In these cases, you often have to look down
the stack until you hit your own functions to determine what actually caused
the error.


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