With most displays/screens within such a limited range, it's easy to understand why both Blueprint and 960.gs (not to mention the many frameworks based on them) settled on a fixed 960 pixel-wide grid.
Fast forward to 2011, and there has never been more variation in the display ecosystem. Today, almost 30% of displays are larger than 1280 pixels—and 8% of these displays are wider than 1680 pixels. On the other hand, 960 pixels is often too wide to be truly useful on a slew of smartphones and smaller tablet devices.
Unfortunately, old-school fluid (or liquid) layouts aren't the answer. What single layout could work at 600 pixels and 1920 pixels? What we need are layouts that respond to the viewports they find themselves in.
Okay, but where do you start?
Most of these responsive layouts use CSS media queries. Media queries let us set simple tests that determine which parts of our CSS are rendered (and which aren't). For instance, you might say "if this is a monochrome display, use 'stylesheet X'".Here's the syntax:
This line will attach the "small.css" stylesheet to our page, but only to devices with browser screens that are smaller than 1024 pixels. The moment the user resizes their browser window to a width larger than 1023px, the "small.css" is removed from the document.
CSSGrid goes a little further than Less Framework by building in a complete 12-column layout framework.Andy's approach works like this:
Wide screen: On large displays the layout scales fluidly up to 1139 pixels. At higher screen widths, the layout locks at 1140 pixels and centers your content.
Medium screen: On smaller desktop displays, the layout scales down fluidly until it reaches 768 pixels.
Smaller screen: On any device less than 768 pixels-wide (most often, but not exclusively, phones and smaller tablets), the layout automatically breaks down to a stacked single-column layout.
We can let people make better use of their large displays without the risk of our content being strung out on super-wide monitors. This issue was always the killer blow to traditional fluid layouts.
On medium-sized desktops, I believe we have a much better experience than static 960-pixel grids. Sure, they can use almost all of their 1280-pixel display if that's what they want to do.
However, it's not uncommon for users to run launch bars, Twitter clients, or instant message apps on the right side of the screen. I know on my laptop, I'm unable to read any 960-pixel layout without it overlapping my Twitter client.
Allowing users to tailor your layouts to whatever space they have available helps both them and you.
There's not much argument that mobile users are becoming more widespread every day and Andy's CSSGrid provides an elegant solution out of the box. Content will stack vertically on any device less than 768 pixels wide. You write it once, and no device detection is required.
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