Conflict between Develop and new feature branches
When creating a Pull Request and there is a Conflict between your branch and the Branch you're trying to merge into ie My_Branch into Develop and you get a conflict with the gitignore.- Pull develop branch locally
- Switch back to your branch
- Right click on your Develop and "Merge Develop into current Branch"
- This will display conflicts locally, so you can fix them.
- Right click on conflicted file and "Resolve conflicts using External tool"
- Resolve conflicts
- Commit Merge locally.
- I Merged on the web aswell to complete Pull Request
Copy repo into another repo(all commits)
- Clone Destination repo(make a copy, don’t use your already existing one) eg reponame.Test
- Delete the link to the original repository to avoid accidentally making any remote changes
git remote rm origin - create new branch on destination repo
- Create a remote connection to sourceRepo as a branch in destRepo.
git remote add/url/to/sourceRepo - Pull from the sourceRepo branch
git pull --allow-unrelated-histories /url/to/sourceRepo branchname-in-sourceRepo - Address any conflicts and merge
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