Reuseable scripts in Postman


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You can reuse methods across requests in postman.

Tip #5 in the below list:

  1. Init in Pre-Request or Tests tab or in a previous request.
  2. Store in an Environment or Global variable.
  3. Then call multiple times from other requests.
1) Setup method in Pre-Request or Tests tab in Postman, you can also list params to pass to method.
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("commonTests", (responseBody, environmentSchema) => {
    // parse response and log
    var responseObject = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    //console.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(responseObject));

    // test to check status code
    tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
    // test response time
    console.log("responseTime: " + responseTime);
    tests["Response time is less than " + environment.max_server_response_time + "ms"] = responseTime < environment.max_server_response_time;
    // validate schema
    eval(environment.validateSchema)(responseObject, environmentSchema);

2) Call method from the Pre-Request or Tests tab in Postman.
You can also call methods from within another method as you can see at the end of the previous code sample.

    // validate schema
    eval(environment.commonTests)(responseObject, environment.specificSchema);


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